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Random Quote

I\'m a very wealthy person. I\'ve been managed very well. I\'m not greedy to the point that I need to get paid for every little thing I do. I\'m an artist. I should be ***** doing art, not standing up for artists\' rights. We got Sheryl Crow and Don Henley -- it\'s covered. I don\'t have to do it.
by -- N Young, Rolling Stone Interview, 4 Sept 2003.

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

Other Neil News

  • Neil Young News

Rust Radio


HH-Radio + NY Info

  • NY-Info-Radio

Human Highway


Oh My Darling Clementine

BNB has 3906295 Guests, from the new start