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  • BNB mailing list


‘Admina’ Articles

MISC admin-stuff

BNB jubilee: 1Million guests

BNB_1-MILLION_GETfireworks*** We have to celebrate! As of Feb. 8, 2014, (BNB) has One Million guest visitors since the start of the new web page in Feb. 2011. Thank you all!

This new BNB webpage was created in 2011 after the old one got defunkt as we moved the HH/BNB pages and mailing list servers from the U.S. to Europe here and the new page administration.


First Light:

1st light of this Neil Young news blog on the Internets was on 2 Feb 11, and on 16 Feb 2011 the new page went public.



BNB-statisticsBNB has on average ca. 920 guests/day (blue curve). The longterm average is quite constant, and depends of course on Neil actions in the universal wavefunction, e.g. the latest Honour-The-Treaties debates, Neil in Israel, the crowd sourcing controversy, new albums, Archive releases, Alchemy and other tour coverage. Spam handling (red curve) is brilliant on BNB – everything gets blocked automatically or manually by various methods.



Of course you can also contribute to this page by sending us comments, or over the shoutbox or via the contact form (see BNB page at top) or you can even apply as author. How to? Read the FAQ. You are always welcome.

Thanks to:

All our welcomed guests and the contributors in all spirit, essence and form (you know who you are). A special thanks to Joe and John for the original page, Iris for design & administration and Baron for admins.

Cheers, don’t be denied, peace and love to all.

BNB admins.

You can call me erratic, but I’ve always been consistent about it — consistently erratic.
by — Neil Young, Tower Theater Pennsylvania 2011.


Merry Christmas, Xmas, Ymas

here are traditionally our wishes…  😀

xmas-NeilDear BNB followers,


we wish you all a great fest and thanks for being here. Also many thanks to the BNB team that makes all this possible.

It’s been a great Neil Young year — The Alchemy Tour through Australia and Europe (unfortunately the rest called off) — full of music, Neil’s activism, and so many Zumans and Nei fans meeting around the world, some of them for the first time in their life. Thank you all for this.


Have a peaceful outcome of this year and a colorful outlook for next year, 2014.

We’ll be back. international gathering t-shirt 2013

Our sister web-blog and mailing list will  — for the first time in about 16 years since its existence — have a gathering with Zumans from all over the world.

The happening will take place this 15-22 August 2013 at the beautiful scenery of Lake Superior in Minnesota in the resort of Lutsen. Hopefully, Neil and Crazy Horse will also come, now they have some days to rest.

You can follow our activities on the blog.

Blog spam

short notice: this is a live blog, so no chance whatever to get your fucking blog comment spam through to it.

2013-Neil Young et al.

Happy New Year, BNB

thank you all for being. And introspect your year…

2013 will be another great Neil Young Year. Neil Young and the Horse will continue the Alchemy tour in Australia and Europe.

If you ever want to be a roving reporter, contact us.  We have some in Berlin (after berlin) but lack Australia and New Zealand, and Europe.

Just do it.


Random Quote

Pearl Jam is a band I have a lot of respect for. Nirvana and Sonic Youth I feel the same way about. Mumford & Sons, My Morning Jacket, Wilco, Givers, and Foo Fighters are just some of my favorites. I respect bands that give me something of themselves that I can feel. (\"Posing\" bands turn me off generally speaking.) It all has to do with a feeling I have about them. That is what music is to me, a feeling. It\'s similar with people too.
by ? Neil Young, Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream

Neil Young on Tour

  • Neil Young on Tour

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

Other Neil News

  • Neil Young News

Rust Radio


HH-Radio + NY Info

  • NY-Info-Radio

Human Highway


Oh My Darling Clementine

BNB has 3908482 Guests, from the new start