‘Fun-around-Neil’ Articles
Fun-around-Neil, miscellaneaous posts that we deem appropriate and have fun
Written by Shar on 14 March 2014
Woof. Woof. Who let Neil’s dogs out?
You can win a dog bowl autographed by Neil Young, according to the Winnipeg Free Press.
The Winnipeg Humane Society launched its first Celebrity Dog Bowl Auction today. Visitors to its website, winnipeghumanesociety.ca can bid on 20 autographed bowls signed by the likes of Young, Underwood, Rihanna, Fleetwood Mac, Joan Rivers, George Takei or even the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan.
Funds raised from the auction will go to the Humane Society. Those interested have until March 23 to submit their bids.
“This is a huge gesture, as it helps raise awareness and much-needed funds for the thousands of animals that come through our doors,” said Bill McDonald, the Humane Society’s CEO.
The bowls were donated and decorated by Winnipeg’s Brush Fire Ceramic Studio.
Tags: Celebrity Dog Bowl Auction, Winnipeg, Winnipeg Humane Society
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Written by Shar on 07 November 2013
The world’s oldest known complete song sounds like it could have been performed by Neil Young.
The piece of music was a Grecian ode written by a man called Seikilos between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD, according to news.com.au.
Intended to make a woman named Euterpe immortal, it was carved on a column of marble.
The song contains “live for the day” lyrics, carrying a message that has echoed through music to this very day.
One version of the song, including the lyrics – sounds like something that could be written by Neil Young.
“While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and time demands its toll.”
A Turkish railroad engineer uncovered the column in 1883. It is now housed in the National Museum of Denmark.
Listen for yourself and see if it sounds like Neil.
Maybe a little more barn?
Read more about this ancient find at: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/ancient-seikilos-column-brings-worlds-oldest-song-back-to-life/story-e6frfn09-1226754073689
Tags: Ancient Seikilos column, Euterpe, first song, Grecian ode
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Written by Shar on 20 October 2013
Although the “More Barn” story has been repeated countless times it’s worth retelling for all the new Neil Young fans.
The story is brought to life again by Graham Nash in his new book: “Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life.”
As Nash tells it, Young introduced his classic 1972 album “Harvest” to his friend in a “Big” way. Nash recently told the story to Terry Gross on her NPR show “Fresh Air.” (click to listen to the interview)
Dan Coleman shares this great story on his blog: Open Culture. Nash calls Young the “strangest of my friends.”
Nash says: “The man is totally committed to the muse of music. And he’ll do anything for good music. And sometimes it’s very strange. I was at Neil’s ranch one day just south of San Francisco, and he has a beautiful lake with red-wing blackbirds. And he asked me if I wanted to hear his new album, ‘Harvest.’ And I said sure, let’s go into the studio and listen.
“Oh, no. That’s not what Neil had in mind. He said get into the rowboat.”
Read the rest of the story at:
Rustie Brad Bandeau made famous the classic, not collectible “More Barn” T-shirts.
Tags: Graham Nash, Harvest, More Barn
Posted in Book Info, Fun-around-Neil, Interviews, Neil-unsorted-MISC-trivia, News / Article | Comments Off on The Barn story revisited
Written by Shar on 18 October 2013
A fun, short
piece in Rolling Stone called “The 12 Most Canadian Things About Neil Young” include great moments from the rocker’s northern roots.
Neil has lived in the U.S. for almost 50 years but maintained his Canadian citizenship.
“It’s my roots, ” he says. “I’m proud to be a Canadian, but I don’t let it hold me back,” he is quoted in the article.
His Canadian-ism includes his fashion sense: “With his fondness for plaid shirts and general dishevelment, Young usually goes onstage looking like a lumberjack from Saskatchewan.”
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-12-most-canadian-things-about-neil-young-20131017
Tags: Canada, rolling stone
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Written by Shar on 10 October 2013

Carinthia West photo from Vanity Fair
The new issue of Vanity Fair features the work of Carinthia West and her photographs from the 1970s, including a rare photo of Neil Young driving one of his vintage cars, a Cadillac affectionately named “Pearl.”
Her star-studded work includes Mick Jack, Keith Richards, Rod Stewart, Carly Simon and a variety of movie stars.
The photo of Neil was taken at Woodside, Calif in 1976. She writes:
“This photo of Neil Young was taken at his ranch as he was driving past in his vintage Cadillac, lovingly nicknamed Pearl. In my opinion, Neil is one of the most powerful and charismatic presences in rock and roll. He is a man who commands respect yet at the same time has a hugely playful sense of humor. In this shot, he was leaning out the car window, with that big Canadian smile, to crack a joke about my English accent. I was riding one of his horses, so I’m glad the shot is in focus and I didn’t drop the camera.”
Read more at: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2013/10/mick-jagger-carly-simon-anjelica-huston-rare-photos
Tags: Carinthia West, Vanity Fair, Woodside
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