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this is our world



keep fingers crossing for Japan.  Hard to say something. Words? Heart is with the people.

All our help for all Japan. Nature is so strong.

But then don’t mess with it by using nuclear powers for energy. Use something else. Think different. Question it all.

Oh Mother Earth!

update: Fukushima on 22 March 2011:  smoke billows over blocks 2 and 3, temperature in block 1 is rising, still none of the cooling pumps are working, partial core meltdown in blocks 1-3, more and more radioactivity measurements are surfacing… sources: | (animated radioactivity plume predictions |

update: Fuk-ed-up on 30 March 2011: probably all 3 reactor cores have partial meltdown; unbelievable high radioactivity values in the sea water, Pu-239 in the soil, etc. The problem with a nuclear society is, that it inherently is based on LIES! See the Japanese information plicy right now.

Random Quote

“\"I\'m writing a book, don\'t mess with the muse!\"”
by --Neil Young [2011, paraphrasing, source not sure]

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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