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Posts Tagged ‘green energy’

Interview: Neil Young in the German mag “Zeit”

German’s are always interested in cars, so the Linkvolt…

“Young: I’m talking about, that I would rather be a part of the solution as part of the problem This is the fight that our generation is fighting to this day. But it’s true. So many things on this planet revolves around energy brings energy. things in motion. Every second is moved slightly back and forth. And wars over energy are performed. ”

I’m burning sustainable… – “Ich brenne nachhaltig”

Wie grün kann Rock’n’Roll eigentlich sein? Ein Gespräch mit Neil Young über erneuerbare Energien, alle Arten von Fortbewegung und die Autos seines Lebens.

in der

…about Greenness, sustainable enegergy, his movements, his cars, and
something more…

:: Lincvolt
:: Living With War
.. Americana

from the LinkVolt blog

LinkVolt webcam image “ Physical vision – one could say scientific vision – brings about a metaphysical shift in the observer’s view of reality as a whole. The geography of the earth, or the structure of the solar system, are in an instant utterly changed, and forever. The explorer, the scientific observer, the literary reader experience the sublime: a moment of revelation into the idea of the unbounded, the infinite.

— Richard Holmes, in “The Age of Wonder”.


Finished: 24 hours to make a world record

“Old ways / sure is hard to change ’em / come what may / it’s hard to teach a dinosaur a new trick …”

I recieved a mail from Greenpeace UK. They gave Facebook an Earth Day deadline (April 22nd) to announce they’re going coal-free and that date is fast approaching. As of yet, there’s been no sign from Facebook that they plan to replace dirty coal and nuclear with clean, renewable energy.
So if you’re a Facebook user, log in, speak your mind and be part of today’s global push for a world record. Not bad for three minutes of your Wednesday.

Here’s the link

This is our world!
Don’t mess with it by using nuclear powers for energy.
Use something else.
Think different. Question it all.

Thank you!

Thank you, it’s done! Now let us hope, that Mister Zuckerberg changes the kind of energy for this giant facebook serverpark! Information technology is responsible. We are responsible.  Yes, we can.

Random Quote

See the sky about to rain, broken clouds and rain.
by -- Neil Young

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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