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Posts Tagged ‘Neil’s blog’

message from Neil (CO2)

planet Earth message / a message

Cars and CO2 for a While

With another deadly climate disaster in the Philippines taking 10,000 lives the world is sure to be more aware of Climate Change. It’s a slow awareness, creeping into daily life. The more awareness that human
activity causes climate change, the more people start to wonder what they can do to help stop it.

Cars are not the only cause of CO2 rising in our planet’s atmosphere and causing global warming. Cars are just one of the big contributors. We have been talking about cars and CO2 for a while now, building an electric car that drove across North America without using any gasoline and sharing how ultra low CO2 emissions can be possible even with a big car. We demonstrated that there is a real alternative to fossil fuels in daily personal transportation, a clear way that negates the need for gasoline.

In our journey across North America we saved the weight of our car (over 6300 LBS) in CO2 compared to what would have been emitted if we had used gasoline. When we arrived in Washington, I spoke to the National Farmers Union about bio-fuels and what CO2 is doing to our planet. Recently at SEMA in Las Vegas I spoke about the replacement of fossil fuels in daily driving with the Bio Electric Transportation model.

I hope we start to bring CO2 back down to earth, back in balance, where it belongs.

Neil Young
November 12th 2013

LincVolt | SEMA keynote speech (video) |

Neil blogs: Sunrise


Neil Young opinions and reflects in his blog:

" Sunrise

As the sun rises today I wonder. How hard should I try? As I spread 
awareness of Climate change and make that my priority, am I losing sight 
of day to day life? Is this more important than making music?
Why should it matter so much to me?

I know what I feel. I am always seeing ways I could improve my own 
behavior towards preserving Planet Earth. Today I took a ride in a cool 
old car but I was thinking about the pollution I was causing, not care 
free like I once was. Then I looked ahead and saw all the other cars. 
They were mostly brand new but still just like mine. They ran the same 
way and burned the same dirty fuel as my fifty-five year old car.
Why should I blame myself?

Anyway, there is no other fuel available at gas stations. Big Oil still 
has the monopoly there.
No Freedom of Choice on that decision exists anywhere near here in 
corporate run America. That's odd, I thought to myself. Wasn't the 
president elected on promises of a cleaner renewable energy future?
Isn't Freedom of Choice part of Liberty?

Then I thought about my family. My daughter was just married
and I may be a grandfather some day. What about those
kids? What will I be doing to make sure they have
a better world? The sun rose over the horizon
then, blinding me when I looked at it.
How hard should I try?

Neil Young
West Coast of California
" –> a message

Big Oil and Big Data =;)

Random Quote

\"Thank you, we\'re Buffalo Springfield. We\'re from the past.\"
by --Neil Young on 1 June 2011, opening night of Buffalo Springfield Reunion-Tour bh

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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