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Ohhhh ohhh Mon-san-to

NeilYoungRebelTourThe word is out that Neil Young is putting out a new album called “The Monsanto Years,” and will be sharing songs from the album on his new tour with the Nelson brothers.

Rolling Stone is reporting that Young is teaming up with up-and-coming band Promise of the Real to record an album called “The Monsanto Years,” which will be full of songs critical of the company.

Young first teased the possibility that he would write an album called “The Monsanto Years” in January, but it seemed, at first, to be a joke, according to The Huffington Post.

Turns out it’s not. According to a press representative at Warner Brothers Records, Young will release “The Monsanto Years,” and promote it on a joint tour with Promise of the Real, this summer. (He said that the exact release date had not yet been finalized.) Songs on the album are said to carry such provocative titles as “New Day For The Planet,” “Rock Starbucks,” “Too Big To Fail” and “Monsanto Years.”

Tom Hambleton at reports the following NEW songs (Titles not certain) were recently played by Young & the Promise of the Real band on April 16 at SLO Brewing in San Luis Obispo, Calif: “People Want to Hear About Love,” “New Day for the Planet,” “Too Big to Fail,” “Rock Starbucks,” and “Monsanto Years,

The album will gain some anti-corporate credibility from two of the members of Promise of the Real: Lukas and Micah Nelson, the sons of Willie Nelson. Nelson père is an outspoken critic of Monsanto and other large agribusinesses, which have been accused of putting profits ahead of human health and environmental sustainability in the development of new crop varieties and agricultural chemicals.

Reached by The Huffington Post, Monsanto didn’t immediately provide comment on Young’s new album.

Random Quote

We got soldiers so strong they can bury their dead
And still not go back shooting blind.

by -- by Neil Young, \"Nothing is perfect\"

Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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