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Posts Tagged ‘Lincvolt’

Neil visits Mayflower oil spill site

Rock Legend Neil Young Visits Mayflower Oil Spill Site

Updated: 10:50 am Published: 10:43 am
MAYFLOWER, AR – As cleanup work continues at the site of the Mayflower oil spill, some unexpected eyes are watching.

A local blog post tells of a woman’s encounter with a rock music icon as she drove near the spill site on Monday.

The legendary Neil Young, a known environmentalist, was spotted by Shelli Russell as he drove around the area in a 1959 Lincoln convertible. The big car was once a gas guzzler, but it’s been redone into a hybrid that gets 100 mpg, writes Russell.

Here’s her story:

The LincVolt site.

Neil shows off Lincvolt at Sioux Falls

Neil Young takes a tour of the Poet laboratory with company founder, Jeff Broin Friday afternoon on a stop of his cross country road trip to promote ethanol and sustainable fuels in a converted 1959 Lincoln Continental, April 12, 2013. / Elisha Page / Argus Leader

Neil Young takes a tour of the Poet laboratory with company founder, Jeff Broin Friday afternoon on a stop of his cross country road trip to promote ethanol and sustainable fuels in a converted 1959 Lincoln Continental, April 12, 2013. / Elisha Page / Argus Leader

While traveling through South Dakota in his cream-colored Lincoln Continental, the famous Lincvolt, Neil Young stops by the Poet biorefining laboratory to talk fuel with founder and executive chairman of the board Jeff Broin.

A  press conference was held in the frigid Poet parking lot and Neil toured the Poet laboratory with Broin for a  pair of video production crews.

Broin shared how he was contacted by Young.

“One day my secretary said ‘while you were out, Neil Young called.’

“The Neil Young? What’s he want?

“‘He asked you to call back.’

“Neil Young cold called me.”

How many people can say that?

Read more:

And a Gannett photo gallery:

Here’s a video:

Lincvolt moves again


new LV movie:

Neil at the wheel; the LV sound is cool, like a spacecraft, but still bound to Earth. A motorcycle runs next to it as comparison.

(c) 2013 Lincvolt.

full resolution .SWF video.


Neil Young: ‘It’s Time to Get Real on Carbon’

Neil Young: ‘It’s Time to Get Real on Carbon’
New gas-mileage standards won’t have desired effect, he writes
December 7, 2012 8:55 AM ET

Neil Young was an early advocate of biodiesel and spent years trying to build an electric car, so you might say he’s interested in cleaner transportation. Now he writes in The Huffington Post that higher gas-mileage requirements for American vehicles won’t have the intended effect of lowering our carbon output. “For survival of the planet and our way of life as human beings, we need to drastically reduce our carbon output,” Young writes. “The approach being taken does not do that.”

Mandating that American vehicles use less gasoline won’t affect carbon emissions in other parts of the world, Young writes, and won’t slow down devastating natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy. Instead, he calls for a move away from high-carbon fossil fuels with “laws that encourage and reward American ingenuity” to develop cleaner running engines and “low-carbon fuels and machines to use them.”

Young writes that “the government must step away from the cozy relationships with oil producing companies,” and he advocates moving manufacturing back to America as part of a push to reduce trade with China, India and other countries that produce high levels of carbon, concluding, “It’s time to get real on carbon.”

Read more:
See also:

thanks to roel.

Interview: Neil Young in the German mag “Zeit”

German’s are always interested in cars, so the Linkvolt…

“Young: I’m talking about, that I would rather be a part of the solution as part of the problem This is the fight that our generation is fighting to this day. But it’s true. So many things on this planet revolves around energy brings energy. things in motion. Every second is moved slightly back and forth. And wars over energy are performed. ”

I’m burning sustainable… – “Ich brenne nachhaltig”

Wie grün kann Rock’n’Roll eigentlich sein? Ein Gespräch mit Neil Young über erneuerbare Energien, alle Arten von Fortbewegung und die Autos seines Lebens.

in der

…about Greenness, sustainable enegergy, his movements, his cars, and
something more…

:: Lincvolt
:: Living With War
.. Americana

Random Quote

I never forgot that every time a new Beatles or Dylan album came out, you knew they were way beyond it. They were always doing something else, always moving down the line.
by -- Neil Young

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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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