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Uncut reviews Year of the Horse

The October 2013 issue of Uncut features a DVD review of  Jim Jarmusch concert documentary “Year of the Horse”  shot in 1996.

Yoth_dvdThey write: “This isn’t older musicians trying to sustain some delusion of youthful potency;  this is a bunch of middle-aged men, led by a surly, stomping guitarist in baggy  knee-length shorts and a nondescript T-shirt.

” But the very lack of  self-conscious stagecraft carries with it the implication that what you’re being  given is something purely musical, unmediated by modern digital strategies that  demand everything be a multi-platform, multi-media, interactive experience. It’s  pure rock’n’roll, as the introductory tagline explain:

“Made loud to be played  loud. CRANK IT UP!”.
It’s far from the ideal Neil and Crazy Horse setlist, Uncut opines,  with only a handful of  classics – including a version of “Tonight’s The Night” following a segment  about the deaths of Danny Whitten and Bruce Berry – sprinkled  parsimoniously through the show.

But it barely matters: as Young maintains,  “It’s all one song,” an ongoing flow of music hewn into eight-to ten-minute  chunks. And any technical effects are kept to a minimum, and used subtly, as  when stage footage of the band playing “Slips Away” is blended with a tour bus  shot of passing sky and landscape.


Random Quote

You gotta keep changing. Shirts, old ladies, whatever, I\\\'d rather keep changing and lose a lot of people along the way. If that\\\'s the price, I\\\'ll pay it. I don\\\'t give a shit if my audience is a hundred or a hundred million. It doesn\\\'t make any difference to me. I\\\'m convinced that what sells and what I do are two completely different things. If they meet, it\\\'s coincidence.
by NY, from the Cameron Crowe Rolling Stone interview, Aug 14, 1975.

Neil Young on Tour

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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