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Tom Adams speaks out, crowd-sourcing film producer

Tom Adams, producer of the now famous Carnegie Hall full crowd-sourced show from Jan. 7, 2014 posts an open message to Warner Brothers:

(and BNB supports this view)

” While Warner Brothers certainly has the legal right to remove the video I produced, I am frustrated that no one from the company contacted me directly.

Sure, I’m just a small fish in a gigantic pond, but I obviously touched on a nerve here. I simply received a standard email from youtube noting the copyright infringement.

I see the viral nature of this video as an opportunity for Warner Brothers to make a progressive move towards a more modern way of dealing with fan-produced media. I wish they would have seen this as a chance to take a leading role in the rapidly changing world of online media distribution… especially when dealing with one of the world’s most respected and prolific entertainers who, after 40+ years of performing, still has an amazingly solid connection with his fans.

I wish they would have considered an alternative way to preserve and present this magical event to Neil Young’s fans instead of just removing it. So if anyone out there in Warner Brothers-land is reading this, I’m all ears and just a click away:

Read an interview with Tom Adams at:

Stop the content mafia:



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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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