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Oil sands don’t listen to Neil Young


… but politely respect him, though he and his ilk is meaning less to the power.

Canadian prime minister shoves away Neil Young’s statement:

He has a certain group of fans that follow him and it’s good that he’s 
going on tour again. But from my perspective, we as the government of 
Alberta have always had a really strong partnership with bands such as 
Fort Chip, and we’ve had really good economic relationships as well as 
consultation relationships and we’ve seen real improvements ...,” 
Redford said Monday during a year-end interview with the Journal.

who the F is Fort Chip?

Redford, who said she hasn’t listened to a lot of Young’s music, said 
the rock icon’s support for the First Nation won’t affect how her 
government carries on.

“It’s always important to support communities and if he wants to support 
communities, then that’s a good thing, but it’s certainly not a case 
where there isn’t work going on, and good productive work going on, in 
terms of economic benefits and partnership, and that’ll continue,” 
Redford said.

I guess this is politician blah blah and worth analyzing just the words. Polite, but firm in ignorance.

Read the whole story:

“I’m not particularly certain that a rock star coming in changes a lot 
of that, we’ll do the work anyway.”

Question remains, which work? It’s Orwellian blah-blah. But nice to know that Neil is a Rock Star. And music can change a lot.

| Follow the Canadian denial on BNB | Honour The Treaties articles |


Random Quote

“Folks, whether you agree with Honour the Treaties or not, please try to back up what you say with facts as we have that will help your points. Diatribes against old rockers are water off a duck’s back for me and don’t help your cause or educate ours. If you are able to, try to add something meaningful when you contribute. everyone would benefit.
by -- ny #honourthetreaties

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Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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