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Special Deluxe


Artwork by Neil Young from ‘Special Deluxe’ 1957 Eldorado Biarritz Convertible ‘Aunt Bee’

Since we are still catching up on BNB, and people are shopping for Christmas gifts, and the Neil Young store is pushing Cyber Monday today –  let’s visit a review of Young’s latest book: “Special Deluxe.”

BNB first wrote about the book’s release back in March.

This review appeared in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel back in October.

→Neil Young takes winding road in his automotive memoir ‘Special Deluxe’

Writer Jon Gilbertson calls Young’s writing: “rambling and winding.” Some like this style, stating it feels just like sitting down with Neil on the front porch, talking.  Others lose interest with the rambling and walk away. Same with his last book: “Waging Heavy Peace.”

Gilberston writes:

“He isn’t kidding about the cars: he writes about seemingly every car his parents owned, then several cars he’s owned, plus trucks and buses. He draws or traces 42 of them literally to illustrate his vehicular rhapsodies and lamentations.

Young also uses his fondness for automobiles as a reason he moved from Canada to the United States — “that was where all the cool music came from, all the great cars” — and as a springboard into an admitted obsession with carbon-dioxide emissions and cleaner alternative fuels.

Long before Young has given his 11th (and by no means final) figure for how much CO2 was pumped into the atmosphere during one of his automotive trips, the fit reader has settled into the fidgeting of a nephew or niece hoping a garrulous old uncle will hurry toward the good parts of his life story.”

And of course Young touched on the new, so-called “love of his life.” Which is different than two years ago, when he professed his endearing and undying love for Pegi Young in WHP.

“Once Young gives the last few chapters over to the aforementioned obsession with environmentally responsible cars, it’s not helpful when he mentions similarly minded activist and actor Daryl Hannah, with whom he is currently, openly consorting after filing for divorce from Pegi, his wife of 36 years (“the next love of my life,” he writes about their early encounters; “soul mate,” he writes later).

You can read more at:



Neil Young’s Agenda: Jack White Project, Second Book, ‘Full-Blown Orchestra’ Album

 neil_young at SXSWNeil Young tells Billboard we can expect to hear “A Letter Home,” the album he recorded at Jack White’s Third Man studio in Nashville, “very soon,” most likely this spring. 

The idea for “A Letter Home” appeared to be hatched by a version of Bert Jansch’s “The Needle of Death,” which Young recorded for Record Store Day 2013 in White’s 1947 Voice-o-Graph booth. “They’re songs that I love, songs that changed my life, songs that made it so that I understood what someone else was saying to me, songs by greater writers.”

Also,  if Young has his way, he’ll also do something symphonic in the near future.

“I’d like to make a record with a full-blown orchestra, live — a mono recording with one mic,” he explains. “I want to do something like that where we really record what happened, with one point of view and the musicians moved closer and farther away, the way it was done in the past. To me that’s a challenge and it’s a sound that’s unbelievable, and you can’t get it any other way. So I’m into doing that.”

Young is also in “the final editing stages” for his second book, “Special Deluxe,” a follow-up to his 2012 memoir “Waging Heavy Peace.” This book, Young says, will be out this year and “focuses on my life as regards to my transportation, as regards to my love for cars. So it’s a history through automobiles, and it’s a history of automobiles and it’s a history of the environmental impact of automobiles. And it’s a projection into the future of automobiles. It has it’s own agenda that develops over the book.”

Read story at:




Nash says Young has two faucets: “Hot and cold”

In his new memoir “Wild Tales” Graham Nash recalls

Singer Graham Nash prepares during the recording session for the audio book version of his Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life autobiography. Photograph by: Richard Drew  AP

Singer Graham Nash prepares during the recording session for the audio book version of his Wild Tales: A Rock & Roll Life autobiography.
Photograph by: Richard Drew AP

In an interview with Hillel Italie of The Associated Press that appeared in the Calgary Herald, Nash said: ““I love him to death. I’ll make music with him for the rest of my life, but he’s a very selfish man. Part of me admires the fact that he has the strength to follow his muse, but he doesn’t realize that there are other people involved in this world.”

Italie writes: “Few were so profoundly changed by rock ‘n roll and the 1960s as Nash, a child of working class, Second World War-era Britain who first became a star as a grinning harmony singer for the Hollies and, just as he feared he was locked into a life of screaming teenagers and two-minute love songs, let his hair down as part of Crosby, Stills and Nash.”

The article goes on to state that  Young is the book’s enigma and fatal attraction,. Nash sees his time with Young as a “long, strange trip” with a man whom he regards as having a heart with two faucets: hot and cold.

One tale from the cold side: Young’s memoir, Waging Heavy Peace, which came out in 2012.

“My ego got in the way,” Nash said during the interview when asked about the book. “When he talked about his wife’s dog more than he did about me and Stephen and David it pissed me off. I’ve made music with Neil Young for 40 years and I don’t deserve a better mention than as an appendage to his dog?”

Read more at:

Neil’s studio prowess- more than meets the ear

“Over the course of 50 years as a recording artist, Young has quietly proven himself one of rock’s most underrated studio masters.”

Neil Young, Dave Howard and Daniel Lanois recording LeNoise at Silverlake Studio, LA (picture Sound on Sound)

Neil Young, Dave Howard and Daniel Lanois recording LeNoise at Silverlake Studio, LA (picture Sound on Sound)

Variety’s senior features writer Andrew Barker examines Neil Young’s forays into the recording studio through the years.

Neil Young, the gearhead audiophile or studio perfectionist….

Barker writes: “The media worship of Neil Young doesn’t really give enough kudos to the technical facilities and engineers that have aided him,” says longtime L.A rock journalist Harvey Kubernik, whose book ‘Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon’ explored the scene that informed Young’s early career. “Reprise Records let him make the kind of records he wanted to make. He had management that enforced that. And he got to use the best studios in town. It’s a huge component of his durability.”

Young’s memoir, “Waging Heavy Peace,” is filled with his appreciation for machines and engineering, be it cars, guitars, model trains or recording studios. Young speaks of such haunts as Los Angeles’ Gold Star Studios and Sunset Studios; producers Jack Nitzsche, David Briggs and Elliot Mazer; and Wally Heider Studios’ prized “Green Board” console — used to record Cream’s “Disraeli Gears” and the Monterey Pop Festival — with an awe that borders on the spiritual.

Other great quotes about Neil  in this story from David Briggs, Ryan Bingham, Los Angeles New York Times music critic Robert Hilburn.

Read more at:

Drawing Neil

neil young022Check out an exclusive interview with artist Nathan Gelgud at

The New York illustrator has drawn Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, to name a few of the famous he has sketched, for the website Biographile.

Neil is featured when Gelgud was asked to illustrate the book “Waging Heavy Peace.”

Gelgud’s work can be seen at

His work at Biographile:

Random Quote

I was in and out of consciousness, high on morphine. I was so sick I was hallucinating - I remember thinking I was floating around the hospital.
by -- Neil Young

Neil Young on Tour

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Sugar Mountain setlists

Tom Hambleton provides BNB with setlists, thankfully. His website is the most comprehensive searchable archives on the Internets about anything Neil Young related setlists. Goto Sugar Mountain.

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